Challenge your assumptions

Feb 13, 2025
Challenge your assumptions

When you believe something can’t be done, it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that’s the end of it. But what if you looked at the situation differently?

The next time you catch yourself thinking a task is too complicated or a goal too far out of reach, pause and recognise that these thoughts are just assumptions you’ve made. The empowering part is, those assumptions are under your control, and you have the ability to change them.

It’s common to assume you can’t do something, but the more powerful approach is to focus on how you CAN do something, and take the necessary steps to make it happen.

The danger of negative assumptions is that they don’t just vanish on their own. Once you decide something is beyond your capability, you’ll keep acting under that belief unless you deliberately work to shift it. Maybe it’s time to prove those assumptions wrong and see what you’re really capable of.

Assumptions can either limit you or push you forward. Pay attention to the beliefs you hold, and keep only those that encourage growth and progress. Challenge your assumptions - the limits you perceive are often not real, they're self-imposed.


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